This collection of 9 short films created and directed by Colombian artists that reflect realities and fictions, common imaginary and subjectivities, dares to delineate the National Audiovisual Experimental Vanguardia 2023. A collection that, through technical, aesthetic and narrative multiplicity, delivers a very strong sensorial experience. 84 minutes of displacement between hybrid categories such as anti-racist sublime animation, animal mystical terror, the surrealism of violence, digital cosmogonic contemplation, or the documentary of environmental memory -among others. We present then, with this program that is as poetic and radical as political, the highlight of Colombian experimental cinema that is projected to the entire world.

Curator, Programmer:
Julian Medina (LED)




We have classified some of the films with the following tags:







Wilson Andres Borja


Colombia | 2022


Runtime/Duración 0:08:24

Reparations is an experimental animated short film that explores the phenomenon of migration (forced and voluntary), through the fragmentation and modulation of a character: A chair that moves as a result of invisible forces. Forces that sometimes represent coloniality, in others industrialization and in the most complex, the consequences of war. The chair object incorporates a search in the middle of marginalization, adaptation and inequality, through a series of urban scenarios in which symbols of the African diaspora that survived and dispersed in the Americas are displayed. The chair embodies the result of these interactions, claiming expressions of resistance such as African percussion and the use of Quilts.

Ritmo 2021 | Rhythm 2021


Luis Fernando Medina Cardona, Julian David Sandoval Ospina


Colombia | 2022


Runtime/Duración 0:04:56

Rhythm 2021 is the product of a research-creation process carried out at the Faculty of Arts of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Bogotá) by the research group “Espacio de Producción Abierta de Medios” (Open Media Production Space). It is based on a formal experimentation with abstractions initially inspired by the short film “Rhythmus 21” by Hans Richter (Germany, 1921) and which proposes computer code as a new materiality for audiovisual creation in an analogous way to what celluloid represented a century ago in Richter’s short film. This version, called “prototype” because the short film can be considered a computer program, is a video rendering of the original program coded on the creative coding language Processing. All images and sounds were generated by computer code on this language, thus questioning the old duality between image and words, since the whole proposal was written in instructions to be interpreted by a computer. Following this, a new paradigm of audiovisual production is experienced where the workflow is closer to software production than to normal audiovisual authoring. Thus, “Rhythm 2021” is an integral experiment in form, product and creative process. Due to its mixed media features, this project can be seen as an experimental film, an animation film or a software art piece.


La mujer como imagen, el hombre como portador de la mirada | Woman as Image, Man as Bearer of the Look


Carlos Velandia


Colombia | 2022


Runtime/Duración 0:07:20

Faces, bodies and actions are juxtaposed endlessly. Fragmented pieces of the woman come together and form the volume of what has been her image in the history of cinema; one marked by the routinary domination and exploitation of her body. A short film homage to Laura Mulvey and her contributions to feminist film theory.


Crónicas De Un Hombre Crónico


Jorge Santiago


Colombia | 2023


Runtime/Duración 0:07:00

A man of no collective importance is absorbed by the chaotic routine of a big city and by his own words.



Afluente | Affluent


Antonia Bello, David Vega, Jerónimo Rincón, Evelyn Piñeros, Mariana Ayala, Nicolás Silva, Aicuna Gomez, Marcela Vargas, Silvia Juanita Amaya


Colombia | 2023


Runtime/Duración 0:05:26

The Arzobispo river is a trickle of water that runs through the city subway, but at times reveals itself between streets, passing under tunnels and canals. Its cobblestone body is home to a subway world. The river, home, when there isn’t one. Its guests paint windows and curtains on the walls of the tunnel through which it flows, decorate it with pots and bathe in its bed. On rainy days, the river threatens to erase the traces. The city and the river, parallel and inseparable realities, flowing juxtaposed in double 8mm format.


Hippomane Mancinella


Ricardo Muñoz izquierdo


Colombia | 2022


Runtime/Duración 0:11:00

A man who wanders through the jungle in search of his ritual of memory, torture, and perverse imagination. He is seeking violence and the grotesque device of truth and reflection, the ironic and impossible as personal mythology, and the excessive sacred as threshold sanity.
A severed and solitary tree embodies a past and a future full of blood, impregnated with psychedelia and death. A tree is a metaphor for a world without mercy, without consolation.
Heads that travel through the imagination’s various probable worlds overflow the vision in fantastic and post-apocalyptic moments.
The diverse characters and scenes arise from visions and real, fictionalized, and violent events. Tragic and chilling anecdotes such as the story of Marino López, the farmer whose head the paramilitary groups played soccer with. A farmer from the region of Cacarica had an anonymous life and now occupies a place in Colombia’s history for the act of cruelty of which he was a victim. July 31, 2015.

La noche de los cerdos


Ángel Jesús Hurtado


Colombia | 2022


Runtime/Duración 0:14:11

A young woman is trapped inside the red forest, a place where the night is eternal and the terror inexhaustible, she finds the altar of the pigs, where she takes the black blood that will lead her to explore the darkest corners of her own conscience.

Todas mis cicatrices se desvanecen en el viento


Angélica Restrepo, Carlos Velandia


Colombia | 2022


Runtime/Duración 0:14:18

Among intrusive and sought-after memories, a woman hears a disconcerting call from the depths of her being. A cryptic cry for help that becomes intelligible guides her to the original wound, to her inner child, becoming her own protector.
