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Since its inception, humanity has had a close relationship with its spirituality and everything that transcends this physical plane and it could be said that these searches humanize us. Of course, these questions are a vital theme of contemporary audiovisual art for both its creators and its recipients.

The following audiovisual works investigate various metaphysical themes and questions and address the conscious and unconscious spiritual searches of their artists with their particular complexities. In these images and sounds you will find contemporary ontological clues that problematize from everyday aspects to the afterlife, the human essence and the relationship with its imaginary and its dreams, you will be able to glimpse mythologies and phantasmagorias, and reflect on the transcendence of the word and the ritualization of common shares to make them extra-ordinary.

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1h. 22min. 37s.




Alejandro Uzeda

A film of the biofilm that we are.

2020, Bolivia | 7min. 12s.


The Hill



Sandro Garibashvili, Konstantin Zorkin

The Film is a practice in visual poetry and incantation, it addresses the subject of the human soul, its importance to our being and the possibilities of its liberation.
The Film is a result of a six year exploration of myth, mysticism and ritual practices and revolves around a male, female hero and spirit of the hill.

The soundtrack plays a vital role in understanding the films’ inner meaning.

2021, Ukraine | 24min. 30s.




Ismael Aveleira Escapa, Marina Diez González 

A path through a waste land where culture is manifested between two worlds of opposites and the nature of cinema is revealed as a new fertility. Muria seeks a permanent moment within the cycles of life. A dream that is born with the self-awareness of the human being and that does not stop with the invention of writing. In Muria the limit of interpretation is at the same time its condition. The illusion of the moving image transforms a funeral rite into an invocation of fertility. In the province of León (Spain) and surroundings, a muria is a set of stones that can be used to divide terms.

2020, Spain | 4min. 0s.


We are rattlesnakes

Somos Hombres Cascabel


Jorge Mario Suarez

Alas Plaplaima is a territory in the Guajiro desert where 16 Wayuu castes live even though it ancestrally belongs to only one, the Urariyu, who have a cemetery in the area. The conflict arises when the Urariyu are blocked on their way to leave the remains of a relative. Those blocking the road are a family that has appropriated the place and the cemetery. Years pass between threats and violent actions until they try to solve the issue with a palabrero or Putchipuu. When nothing is achieved, they turn to the Ministry of Interior (Arijuna’s or white man’s law). It is at that moment that I, who belong to the Urariyu clan but was raised as an Arijuna (white man) in Barranquilla, arrived. Somos Hombres Cascabel is the encounter of two ways of recording memory, of how technology in image and sound can relate life and death in a fractary way, just like a dream. Dreams are part of Wayuu’s language.

2018, Colombia | 18min. 24s.


Dreams Are Fabricated

Los sueños son fabricados


Meg Case, Brad Porter

A commercial hype reel shredding the magic of the mechanism by which the dominant myth defends itself from deconstruction through the fabrication of dreams while simultaneously reproducing itself, duplicating, spreading, feeding, and manifesting into a structured ideology; this is a stretching of these ingredients across a digital canvas.

2021, United States | 2min. 45s.




Antonello Matarazzo

Living is a perennial farewell. Pain often duplicates itself and time is a bittersweet poison that irreparably escapes and becomes smoke. We are but dust and shadow, says Horace. But in the life that burns and wears out, we inhabit the wonder of the flame. We are, in endless moments, the light.

2021, Italy | 3min. 15s.


Drainage Letter

Carta de Drenaje


Antonella Martinez Rivas

Result of Paz Encina’s “dinosaur” workshop where the artist’s internal search for narration is worked, finished as a drainage letter where you write your feelings towards someone alive or dead and burn it.

2021, Paraguay | 2min. 35s.




Genietta Varsi

São Paulo, una metropolis que creció masivamente aspirando al desarrollo económico e industrial. El terreno de la ciudad está constituido por un sistema de ríos que durante la urbanización fueron cubiertos por viaductos, avenidas y calles. Máquinas fabricadas por los humanos y el deseo de la velocidad substituyeron el flujo del agua, domesticándola. Un cuerpo con una segunda piel corre y suda diariamente siguiendo sobre el asfalto el flujo de estas aguas subterráneas. Los rios paulistas se desahogan a través de los poros del cuerpo que corre y mantiene la corriente por la superfície.

2020, Peru | 19min. 56s.