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Currently the world is going through a global pandemic, which used to occur in only certain countries, has crossed borders and is now spread throughout the world. The confinement of populations to a time not yet definitive, the uncertainty, the scarcity of medical resources as well as the loss of human beings around the world, are reflected in these 27 video performances that make up the Dislocated Show -Colombia version-. These manifest images explore through the body its concerns, uncertainties, reflections and criticisms of the current situation of confinement with: applause, murmurs stopped by a mask, moments of panic and schizophrenia, of capitalism, altered times, timeless, broken agreements , to become a plant or animal, to point out other pandemics such as the armed conflict and gender violence that existed before Covid-19 and that are manifested even during the confinement. This sample -Colombia version- includes artists from Spain, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, the United States, the Dominican Republic, Chile and Colombia selected for the 12th Live and Deferred Action Meeting. The Dislocated Exhibition will be exhibited by the six independent artistic platforms and performance festivals, with some variations, that make this exhibition possible: TracingAcity (INDIA), Dissident Bodies – Dissident Bodies (USA), Live and Deferred Action Encounter -AVD- (COL), BDG (USA)), La Sonora Performancera (MEX) and Live Hive (INDIA).

Tzitzi Barrantes / EAVD


1h. 12min.


Pastel y Vela

Cake and Candle


Isabel León, Llorch Talavera

“Cake and Candle” is part of the “Quarantine” series we decided to carry out during this period as a way to keep creative, active and have fun. All parts are developed on the same wall of Isabel’s studio. This action is No. 23 of this series of video performances mivi performed daily. Today we celebrate Llorch’s birthday, referring to some of the safety measures recommended in this pandemic: distancing and masks … This makes the act supposedly cheerful since blowing birthday candles becomes almost impossible, absurd and, above all, sad. This series follows the line of work that Isabel has been developing since 2016, making simple, minimal, everyday and absurd actions around one minute in duration, and making use of everyday materials. The main difference lies in that in this case the frequency is daily, rather than weekly, as well as being carried out collaboratively with fellow collaboartors Llorch Talavera.

España, 5 de abril 2020 | 57s.


Risen Osiris

Osiris Risen


Chrystian Tamayo Hernandez

Osiris Risen. Video performance. The arrival of a character from the underworld to any home.

Colombia, 7 de abril de 2020 | 2min. 34s.




Miguel Andrés

Disapplause is about not seeing teh pandemic coming despite dozens of studies predicting a pandemic of this magnitude to which the WHO called disesae X in their reports. Let’s face it, all national and international bodies have fallen short on this. None of these countries reacted until they started seeing people people die. In this instance economic interests took precedence over public ones, and now we are involved in an almost post-apocalyptic socio economic and health care crisis. These systems have fallen short and seem to be governed by incompetent, ignorant, greedy, corrupt scavengers who will benefit from the ashes left. All of these leaders, governors and responsible white-collar workers deserve a great dis-applause. Dis-applause, dis-applause given their disastrous management of this pandemic and unworthy of a global society that thinks of itself and procaims itself “developed”.

España 7 de abril 2020 | 5min. 05s.


Señales Antígenas

Antigenic Signals


Dulce Trejo

Antigenic signals. Contact, resistance with a robe where the radiologist immerses the body of the performer in a series of audiovisual signals that makes for an antigenic edition which then becomes perceptible to the human eye.

Mexico 7 de Enero 2020 | 1min. 22s.





Fina Ferrara

PANIC. To act irrationally, fear of famine and scarcity … irrationally and a desire to laugh when we discover what together we win.

México, 2 de abril 2020 | 1 min 23s.





Jordina Ros

MY NAIL POLISH The need to disappear into the aesthetics of beauty and the aesthetics of nature. Being locked up can generate internal conflicts. The value we place on superfluities simply turn against us but in favor of pure nature. Camouflaging ourselves in it is imperative.

España, 23 de abril 2020| 1min. 37s.




Fran Orallo

The “Breathe” project consists of a videoperformace in which we juxtapose two contradictory and incompatible elements, such as smoking and surgical masks. I am establishing elements of the absurd, on play, and spontaneity, made using a simple and short-term action. The work is based on the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, hence the use of the mask, as a metaphor for protection. Symbolizing smoke contamination, infection, intoxication of the lungs produced by the virus, since smoking affects the body in a similar manner.

España, Mayo 2020 | 1min.


Survival Praxis


Natacha Voliakovsky

Survival Praxis / I covered my face with Micropore tape, emulating a mask to protect myself from the virus. I was stirring it slowly to find my mouth. Inside my mouth I had hidden my green scarf, a symbol of the feminist struggle in Argentina. I slowly removed if form my mouth and tied it again making a protective mask. The urgent circumstance in which we are inmersed forces us into a collective state of silence. The mask then has a double function: to protect against the virus and to silence. Similarly imposed isolation and enclosure as the only possible defense against the ‘enemy’ works. The vulnerability of women in Argentina has not been modified by isolation. For those in situations of violence, this means to be in constant contact with the real enemy with no way of escape. In this context what is supposed to protect them works against them, and makes the mask worthless. Feminist struggle is then the only way out.

Argentina, 28 de abril 2020 | 5min. 44s.




Marcelle Seba

Isolamento do corpo : na danca solitaria os sonhos vivem , angustiam o sono, o duplo que nos habita se encontra, a inconsciencia no contraste da sombra e luz , a busca inquieta do eu.

Brasil, 8 de agosto, 2017| 1min. 09s.





Tuty Moreno Campos

Lethargy. I realize performances so as to give a place to anemic states of being, to represent them, trangress them and if possible to transmute them. Faced with a society that pushes productivity above all else, there is a body that speaks to us that can become sick, and that we normaly ignore. I choose precarious elements in accordance with an equally precarious everyday existence, resulting in multiple pressures which become exhaustive. Lethargy puts us in a small place, where we feel the multiplicity and weight in our bodies.

Argentina, 2019 | 5min. 12s.


No quiero más videollamadas

A No more video calls


Roma Vaquero Diaz

Title: No more video calls. In these two months of quarantine, the screens become sound skins. Virtual communication platforms brings us a multitude of invitations to participate in live videos, lectures, courses and loves online. Life quickly became minimized to screens and through it, ghostly images come in and out of my house. However, one does not feel the connection. The more video calls, more distance, more emptiness and more loneliness behind the monitor. I do not want any more video calls, I want future meetings where bodies rub together without fear of contagion.

Argentina, mayo 2020 | 1min. 42s.


Exorcismo Virginal

Exorcism Virginal


Saabianni Labastida Ortiz

Virginal Exorcism, the action begins when in the performance I undress and remove a condom from my uterus with a rose inside which I then set on fire, the rose serves as a symbol of the expulsion to the concept of virginal conception. I then use a penis shaped glass to suck glue which I then rub all over my body. I then proceed to paste images which represent resistance and liberation.

Mexico, 4 de junio 2020 | 2min.


Sin nombre

No name


Gere Granados

This video is an approximation to represent in a poetic way, how I feel inside during this period of estrangement and shelter, in which we’ve had to resort more frequently to social networks and to digital media in general to have contact with nuestrxs queridxs and the world. This hyper connectivity has caused an increase in the content of information we receive and has personally kept me more time in front of a screen. In the video I use material from my Instagram feed and turn to the body to simulate the interaction I have with a mobile device during the day, recreating positions in which I find myself consuming information without a break.

México, 2020 | 2min. 57s.


Oh Gloria inmarcesible

Oh unfading glory


David Sebastian Lopez Restrepo

Oh Unfading Glory is a performance video where I explore the role that violence played in the conception of the republic. In my performance I play the national anthem of Colombia while I burn toy soldiers on a small hot plate. In the performance I consider concepts such as history and Latin American narratives, and more especially Colombian nationalism.

Colombia. 10 de junio 2020 | 4min. 55s.




Angel Alado

Title: Camedor. Dreams are perceived different in space where they appera, are bron, as much in public as in intimate spaces. What dreams cohabit in peoples desire when experiencing social coexistence in open spaces? What dreams emerge in the private space of houses under the sheets, in the bathroom, in the backyard? What do we yearn for, what do we want, where do we want to go? How far does contingency and confinement shape the size and shape of our dreams. Dreams are perceived differently in the space where they appear or are born, Both in public and intimate spaces. What dreams coexist in the desire of people experiencing social coexistence when When They in open spaces? What dreams I do emerge in the private space of the houses, under the sheets, at bathing time, in the backyard? What do we yearn for, what do we want, where do we want to go? How far do contingency and confinement times shape the size and shape of the dream?

México, 20 de junio 2020 | 3min.





Kareen Labbe MURTA

Manticore, mythological animal returning from centuries past to shoot their venomous spines and return to the tiny particle state of our dreams. Our human, productive, hurried life without respite is sometimes necessarily attacked and nipped, so we may understand that we are still alive, though drowned, prisoners and cursed, despite having burned our ships.

Chile, 13 de mayo 2020 | 3min. 23s.




Roger Zi Chim

Title: Fragile. Performance on the fragility of life as represented from the body as home, appearance that unites the internal with the external and resilient power.

México. Junio 2020 | 3min. 10s.





Bairo Martínez


Colombia. 14 de junio 2020 | 2min. 51s.


Pesadilla Recurrente

Recurring Nightmare


Jessica Fairfax Hirst – Eliu Almonte

“Recurring Nightmare” At the beginning of the COVID pandemic, people in the US expressed their anxiety through mass buying of toilet paper where stores could not keep it in stock. People even fought for it in stores and parking lots. In addition to this, the incompetence, dishonesty and narcissism of President Trump made it all worse. In observing my native country from the other side of the Atlantic, I felt the inadequate leadership of the President was more suffocating than the physical quarantine. This performance represents my take on this recurring nightmare for my country.

USA. Rep Dominicana. marzo 2020| 1min. 2s..





Miguel Angel González Merchán

Agreement. “AGREEMENT S.M. 2. Resolution taken by two or more people about something, especially by a board, assembly or tribunal: to reach an agreement “After the disappointing results of the plebiscite on 2 October 2016, finally the Peace Accords were signed in Colombia. Almost 4 years later, the war continues, killings of women leaders and social leaders have sharpened, Colombia is classified as the most corrupt country in the world, continuing to abuse indigenous, students, farmers and minorities, but these injustices have been placated by the pandemic. However, this has only highlighted other social problems that afflict the world’s population, insecurity and declining resources for health care and science, insufficient job opportunities causing many families to live from day to day, and the absence of urban orchards. Despite this almost global quarantine, the media have focused on news about the Covid -19 pandemic, leaving aside and minimizing sociopolitical phenomena affecting the world; large social protests on every continent, wars, mass murder of activists, trade unionists and leaders, deforestation in the Amazon and future mining of grazing lands among many others.

Colombia. 10 de mayo 2020 | 2min. 22s.


Uno con la casa

One house


Sandra Ramírez – Roja Cuma

One with one’s house experiences the threat of an invisible danger which stops the normal rhythm of time. The garden is our favorite place for isolation. Here we can engage in dialogue with nature and understand that, like snails, we are one with the house and the house is our body. Without our body we are headed for death, but plants and animals teach us that there is nothing to fear: death is a condition of life. Inhabiting our home-body is accepting its possibilities and its limits.

México – Chile. 12 de junio 2020 | 3min. 1s.





Yolanda Benalba

Manipulation: Control of the body through disciplinary methods ensures productivity and alienation. The power of the body is diminished politically under disciplinary systems, whose mechanisms are as Foucault “calculated manipulation of its elements, gestures, and their behavior.” Discipline being a tool of shaping bodies under obedience and docillity. From April 25 to June 3 I proposed to myself to take on a performance focusing on docility as recalled daily through my hand where I wrote ‘I lack discipline’. Over the days that followed I reaffirmed my satisfaction with being undisciplined so I decided to complete the performnace. Manipulation is the act of negation of that phrase and docility is action, using this concept one of my hands imposes an almost masturbatory force on the other hand.

España. 2 de junio 2020 | 1min. 42s.




“johna” John Campo

Ascepsia. Putting on protective elements and keeping distance from others, distrusting even the contact of our body with the air “outside”, while in one way or another, we would like to free ourselves from hyper-sanitization, tear it, make it disappear.

Colombia. mayo 2020 | 3min. 1s.


Juablo en sí mismo



Juablo itself. Locked in a cage I inflate balloons while I bathe in very hot water. A freezer is balance.

México. 9 junio 2020 | 2min. 35s.


Todo comenzó con un cuento chino…

It all started with a Chinese story …


Luis Fernando Arango Duarte

It is an action by hero of the world bank SUPERBANK, where the character becomes increasingly close to humanity and their tragedy, making a radical decision in his existence: to betray the world banking dynasty and its father Rothschild, creator of banking and usury. The hero then declares himself in favor of humanity and to fight for it, against the consequences of the abuse of power, so manifest in the pandemic, enslaving everything human.

Colombia. 22 de junio de 2020 | 1min. 52s.





Oscar Salamanca

Sacred Hunger emerged as a challenge to link isolation, fear of contagion, military force and extreme vigilance.

Colombia. 7 al 13 de junio 2020 | 2min. 48s.


Ritual Visceral Memory


Nikesha Breeze

Ritual Visceral Memory/ Acts of Reclamation for the forgotten body. An installation of tenderness. A black body touched with care is revolution. Reclaiming our birthright cell by cell. This video work is a living poem co written by Nikesha Breeze and FAM. The performance explores the role of tenderness and touch on the Black and Indigenous body. The way we take care of the land and our home is the way we should care for each other. Nikesha Breeze directs and performs in this work, unbinding and washing two BIPOC women as a symbolic gesture of remembering and drawing the invisibilized and dismembered black body.

USA 2020 | 3min. 1s.