Julian Medina (LED)
Art and Conceptual Director
Magister en Comisariado de Artes Digitales, Especialista en Filosofia Contemporánea, Diseñador , Artista Visual, Vj. Con experiencia en gestión, curaduría y producción de proyectos culturales, festivales, encuentros, y otros espacios para las artes, la cultura y el artivismo en Colombia, España y Francia.
Artista visual apasionado por los nuevos medios y tecnologías, así como por los discursos y conceptos de la filosofía y la política contemporánea. Su obra visual digital ha circulado en diversas exposiciones colectivas en Colombia, España, Francia, Italia Noruega, Suecia.
También Diseñador Visual con más de 15 años de experiencia en proyectos quee dialogan con el marketing político, el diseño y y la comunicación visual y estratégica, el desarrollo de marcas y branding y el diseño de medios.
Director del Estudio de Arte, Diseño, Tecnología y Comunicación 4NDESING Bogotá Colombia, Barcelona España (2009 – 2023). Codirector, coproductor, curador del Festival de Cine Experimental de Bogotá (2017 – 2023). Codirector y Artivista del Movimiento MA.S.A. (Manifestación Social Audiovisual) Bogotá Colombia, Barcelona Madrid España. (2020 – 2023). Diseñador visual, Asistente de producción, Fes Cultura – Proyectos Culturales con Impacto Social, Barcelona España (2022). Asesor en curaduría, Asistente de producción, Diseñador visual, Macondo Fest – Festival de Artes Migrantes, Jezua, Francia (2022). Artivista y colíder del colectivo UIPA (Unidad Insurrecta para Acción+Arte) Barcelona, Madrid España (2021 – 2023). Miembro activo de la fundación para las artes audiovisuales CINELIBERTAD. Bogotá Colombia. (2017 – 2023). Director y productor de la plataforma para las artes digitales y los nuevos medios V2B . Bogotá Colombia (2014 – 2022). CoCreador y Artivista líder del colectivo M.O.V.I.I.E Movimiento Organizado Video Imagen Intervención y Emergencia Colombia (2019 – 2023). Artista visual y multimedia del colectivo interdisciplinario de las artes y el cuerpo CARNExperimento. (2018-2020). Administrador y gestor de la plataforma VjBooking Colombia, (2016 – 2022). Productor y Curador de la Batalla de VJs Colombia (2017 – 2020).

Ivan Aristizabal
Executive Director
Director and Producer of Film and Television from the Manuela Beltrán University in 2008, based in Bogotá, Colombia. Co-founder of the Cinelibertad Arte Audiovisual Foundation, where as manager and producer of Film Festivals, including the Short Film Festival and film schools “Elmirro” (2007-2014) and the Bogotá Experimental Film Festival “CineAutopsia” (2015- 2023).
His career also includes the creation of commercial and artistic audiovisual works, as well as urban audiovisual interventions and alternative film projections on the streets of Bogotá and Medellín. He has been a Producer and Technician for RTVC Institutional Signal, participating in live broadcasts for the Presidency of the Republic, the Senate of the Republic, Ministries and state institutions with the SEP TV Cooperative (2014-2023).
In addition, he has been a manager of initiatives focused on audiovisual training processes with various communities of children, young people and adults, collaborating on projects with institutions such as CREA or CLAN of IDARTES (2017), C4 Science and technology of the Centro Ático Universidad Javeriana and the Secretariat of Education of Bogotá (2015), REC Project of Positive Image and the Government of Antioquia (2012-2013), FUNDASET (2011) and Nature and Heritage Foundation (2011-2010).
Currently, he works as Co-director, Co-producer, Curator, Programmer and press for the Bogotá Experimental Film Festival.

Alejandro Vargas
Special events producer
Film and Television Director and Producer; Co-director of the Cinelibertad Audiovisual Art Foundation, Producer, Curator and Programmer of the Bogotá experimental film festival; active cultural manager in the city of Bogotá. Member of the District Council of Arts representing the audiovisual sector 2006 – 2010. Audiovisual director for the General Archive of the Nation from 2011 to 2017, in institutional projects. Teacher in the areas of photography and video for Bibliored, FUNDASET, SIEMBRAFEST, Ojo al Sancocho Community Film and Video Festival, Mountain Film Festival in Salento, Quindío. Sound engineer for the Colombian feature film “Strategy of a Revenge”, in 2010. He directed his experimental degree thesis, “Head Heart” in 2009 and participates as a sound engineer in different series, documentaries, and advertising. Curator of the 2014 International Documentary Exhibition, curator of the Surrealidades festival in 2018 and editor of the OE foundation, creator and promoter of different incubators of film clubs and public training spaces. In the last 5 years he has specialized in the study of experimental cinema, creating academic activities, festivals, exhibitions and high-impact audience training activities for national cinematography.

Ana Angarita Cubillos
Curator and programmer
Film and Television Director from the National University of Colombia, interested in research and theorization in art, architecture, city and image aesthetics, which has allowed her to be related to the creation of multidisciplinary narratives that link cinema and photography with architecture, as in his degree work La Casa Fantástica. She has experience in the field of non-fiction, with the making of the short documentary Las Hijas del Miedo screened at the Youth in Contexts of Violence Forum; Meeting of Voices and Actions of the UAEM (Mexico).
Active member of the Cinema and Gender Seedbed, and the Memory, Participation and Mobile Habitats Research Seedbed, of the Urban Planning master's degree. She has also participated as a manager and collaborator in various meetings and festivals such as the BAM, the MIDBO and as Director of the National Meeting of University Audiovisual Production (ENPAU) of the Equinoxio University Festival focused on the decentralization of audiovisual production, through community cinema. Currently, and for the second time, she serves as curator of the CINEAUTOPSIA Bogotá Experimental Film Festival 2023.

Daniel Enrique Monje Abril
Curator and Programmer
I consider that experimental cinema is a right that all people dedicated to working with images have. It is a right for which we must all fight together and with each image we produce we gain a little more ground in this infinite iconoclastic war.
I am the academic director of the Film and Television program at the Universitaria Agustiniana. Film and Television Director from the National University of Colombia. Master in Plastic and Visual Arts at the same university. Doctor in Image, Art, Culture and Society from the Autonomous University of the State of Morelos. For the past 23 years I have been a teacher at different universities in Colombia and Mexico: Among the most notable are: Autonomous University of the State of Mexico, Autonomous University of the State of Morelos, Francisco José de Caldas District University and National University of Colombia.
Among my publications, the books “Mythologies and ways of existence of traveling photographers”, “Conversations about cinema” and “Researchers and cinema” stand out. I have participated in numerous exhibitions of video art, experimental cinema and expanded cinema. He has been linked to the festival for 5 years.

Manuela Palacios Bustos
Curator and Programmer
Manuela is a journalist, curator, film and television producer and independent audiovisual producer. He has worked, above all, in the production and art departments in different projects for public television ('Cineclub En Cine Nos Vemos Season 3', 'Soy', 'Amigos pa' las que sea', 'Reinventarse', etc. .) and in a feature film ('Colibrí'). He has also been part of the Truth Commission and RTVC.
She is a music lover, a film buff and in 2019 she met CineAutopsia when covering the Festival as press. He has been part of the Bogotá Experimental team since 2021; That year she served as press coordinator and content creator. In 2022 she debuted as a curator (she programmed the panorama called: 'El inhabitar poético') and served as community manager. Currently he continues to be part of the curatorial staff.
Manuela cree que para su labor como curadora es importante concebirse a sí misma también como espectadora. Considera que en Latinoamérica se está desempeñando una función relevante en torno a la formación de públicos en narrativas vanguardistas y que justamente el Festival hace parte de esa fomentación y contribución. Piensa que más allá de ese factor atípico o no patrón, las obras deben mantener tanto un subtexto o trasfondo como una intención clara.

Raúl Vidales Bohórquez
Curator and Programmer
Audiovisual director, social psychologist, university professor and researcher, with master's studies in Social Policy and Audiovisual Creation.
Como realizador audiovisual, ha explorado lenguajes experimentales desde el reportaje, el documental, la video danza, el performance multimedia, la video instalación y la ficción. Es cofundador del colectivo interdisciplinario de realización audiovisual KINORAMA, hizo parte del colectivo artístico interdisciplinar C.A.R.N.Experimento como productor audiovisual y video artista entre el año 2013 y el 2017. Ha participado en otras compañías de artes escénicas como realizador audiovisual, entre ellas: Maldita Danza, La congregación teatro, Cortocinesis Danza Contemporánea y House of Tupamaras. Desde el 2018 ha estado vinculado al Festival de Cine Experimental de Bogotá, como curador, tallerista y jurado.
Junto a la artista Nadia Granados, trabajó como video artista y asistente de dirección de la beca en creación en Artes vivas de Idartes “Cabaret Político Multimedia Trans” dirigido por junto a la Red Trans. A su vez, en el año 2021 fue realizador de piezas audiovisuales para la obra Colombianización ganadora del premio Luis Caballero.
His debut feature as director, the feature film “Every time I die” (2022), co-produced with the Trans Community Network, has been screened and awarded at different festivals worldwide.

Javier Rueda
Curator and Programmer
Producer and filmmaker. Essayist and theorist. Cultural manager, programmer and curator. Mainly interested in experimental, creative and participatory processes, as well as the use of the audiovisual medium as a cultural and political tool for social transformation. With experience in awareness-raising and value promotion projects. Since 2003, I have chaired Aved Producciones, an association with a humanist vocation with which I have developed numerous projects in different formats, genres and films, supporting new authorships and projects with high discursive and propositional content, among them experimental works that include two feature films. In the educational field, I have been a speaker in workshops and talks, also participating in projects focused on promoting audiovisual expression in youth groups. Co-founder of Zumzeig Cinecooperativa, a non-profit neighborhood cooperative movie theater project, recognized for its innovative character and horizontal and democratic participatory structure, created in Barcelona in 2016. Co-author of two books of film essays and coordinator of three more posts. My experience in festivals, in addition to accredited participation as a filmmaker or scholar, includes jury work, coordinator of activities and industry areas, programming and artistic direction, among others. As a filmmaker I have numerous credits as director, cinematographer and editor, among others.

Rafael Antonio Rodríguez Piedrahita
Curator and Programmer
Rafael has a Master in Visual Arts and a Master in Plastic Arts. His author's work is mediated by sound exploration and the creation of various experimental narratives in the movement image. In 2018 he was part of the official selection of this festival with “Opus Cero”. In 2022 he was the Winner of the Kaleidoscope National Short Film Competition, Experimental Category “Garden Cinema Festival” with “Tríptico 1,2,3 Probando”. Likewise, since 2007 he has participated in different festivals and group exhibitions in Colombia and Latin America. This year he is invited to be part of the curatorial team of the Bogotá Experimental Film Festival – Cineautopsia. He has focused his curatorship on finding the conceptual coherence and technical development of each of the films in competition, as well as the contribution that each of these pieces makes to experimental audiovisual narratives.

Alejandra Rocas
Editor, audiovisual director and curator. From the obsession with cinephilia in horror film universes, he has developed research, international talks and film clubs in the city of Bogotá around the atmospheres of genre cinema through his independent project 'Arrebato'. She has been curator of Bogoshorts 2023 in the F3 category, Fanatic Freak Fantastic, she has organized curators under the name 'Weird Horror' for the Medellín Fantasmagoría Festival. His project 'All Colors of Darkness' was selected as the winner of the 2022 Cinemateca Curatorial Grant.
She has participated as a writer in the books 'Road to Hell', 'The Truth is Out There' from the Fantasmagoría publishing house, analyzing female characters in horror films with specific themes in cinema from the 1950s to 2000. .
Two of his short films were selected at the Panorama Colombia Festival in Berlin and at the SCIFILM in Switzerland as a result of a scientific and horror dissemination project.
Desarrolló el taller de experimentación audiovisual ‘Tecnovisiones de lo Monstruoso’ basado en cine de terror y conceptos de ‘lo siniestro’, en la Cinemateca de Bogotá y participó como docente en el Seminario de Cine y psicoanálisis organizado por la Corporación Cinefilia Colombia dónde desarrolló una charla acerca de la oscuridad en el cine de David Lynch.
He is currently dedicated to editing and working on the script for an independent genre project.

Adriana H. Bocanegra
Curadora, programadora de cine, gestora cultural y realizadora audiovisual. Magíster en Artes Plásticas y Visuales de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Bogotá. Maestra en Cinematografía, egresada del programa de Cine de la Universidad Central con énfasis en realización documental. Cuenta con amplia experiencia en programación y organización de eventos académico-culturales en relación con la exhibición audiovisual. Su trabajo se alimenta del constante ejercicio que desempeña —como coordinadora, curadora, gestora, productora y programadora audiovisual— en el proyecto institucional Cinemateca Sala Alterna de la Facultad de Artes de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Pertenece a “Periferias: Semillero de Cine y Género” de la misma universidad, donde lleva a cabo una práctica constante de escritura experimental desde el cuerpo.
She has participated as a curator and programmer in notable audiovisual exhibitions such as the Bogotá International Documentary Exhibition – 24 MIDBO, in the Mobile Mirrors section, the 20 BOGOSHORTS – Bogotá Shorts Film Festival, in the International Fiction section and CineAutopsia – Bogotá Experimental Film Festival , in curatorial lines that address themes of memory, audiovisual archive, body and gender, for four consecutive years.

Alanath Ocampo
Plastic artist and Master in Transmedia Communication EAFIT University. With experience in research, creation, formulation and management of artistic and cultural projects. He has participated in processes of memory construction, cultural heritage, creative ecosystems and creation laboratories around art and science, such as the Research Seedbed in Technical Image and Experimental Narratives of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Antioquia (SIITNE) assigned to the group research in Theory and History of Art from the same university, CICLUX Laboratory with the ITM, research group: Aleph Experimental del Parque Explora, Infinite Universes, Hábitat Latente, among others.
Management of creative tools and appropriation of low-tech and high-tech technologies for the development of works in different formats and audiovisual narratives. Artistic career with presentations at the Museum of Modern Art, Museum of Antioquia, International Image Festival, ISEA International, Cine Autopsia Experimental Film Festival, Bogotá Platform, Live broadcast for the II International Congress of the Chair of Art and Technology – Universidad Católica de Valencia San Vicente Mártir, with the topic of technologies in use and disuse in Spain, and has participated in projects with the Kònic thtr laboratory, which has an artistic platform for art and technology based in Barcelona (Spain).

Javier Guaqueta
Especialista en fotografía (Universidad Nacional de Colombia), Máster en Cine Experimental y Videocreación (Escuela TAI, España), y estudiante de Magíster en Cine Documental (Universidad de Chile); ha sido Artista Formador del programa Crea IDARTES, docente de la Universidad Central y tallerista independiente. Se desempeñó como Jurado TAI en DocumentaMadrid 2019, Jurado Categorías Rock-Metal y Rescatarte del Festival de Artes de Puente Aranda 2021, y Jurado de la Categoría Largometraje Internacional en IX Cineautopsia, 2023. Actualmente es Curador y programador de la X versión del Festival de Cine Experimental de Bogotá Cineautopsia.
Ha liderado procesos comunitarios de formación y creación con comunidades indígenas, infancias y juventudes, abarcando los cruces entre cine documental y experimental en instancias mediadas por el IDARTES, la Biblioteca Especializada en Cine y Medios Audiovisuales BECMA y la Cinemateca de Bogotá. Sus obras principales Bakaçxtepkaçx hasta siempre (Países Bajos, 2020) y El susurro del diablo (España, 2019) han sido exhibidas en festivales y muestras comunitarias de Colombia, Países Bajos, Alemania, Bélgica, Chile, Brasil y Argentina. Ha participado además de cortometrajes realizados entre 2017 y 2024 en Colombia y España, como parte del equipo de DOP y Montajista; como Artista Formador ha impulsado diversos cortometrajes, videoclips, podcast y un Magazine pedagógico realizados entre 2017 y 2022.

Laura Indira Guauque
Graduate in philosophy and humanities, master in aesthetic philosophy. Researcher with experience in the development and advice of cultural and academic projects. Writer and editor of articles and works of artistic and philosophical interest, with national and international publications. Director
audiovisual, in 2018 he founded the SEVERALÁMPARA audiovisual laboratory and from there he works on three lines of action:
Training of audiences, Creation of works of video art and experimental cinema, and Research and development of editorial processes. The above has made possible the development of creative laboratories with rural populations, the regional, national and international recognition of some of the works carried out, the participation in community, artistic and academic processes, and the construction of independent publications.

Oscar Pico
Realizador, gestor y docente de arte audiovisual. Profesional en dirección y producción de cine y televisión de la Universidad Manuela Beltrán. Autor de obras audiovisuales experimentales de cine performance, cine interactivo e inmersivo, cine efímero y experiencias de Realidad Expandida.
Cofundador y codirector de la Fundación Cinelibertad Arte Audiovisual desde 2007.
Co-director, productor, curador y programador del Festival de Cine Experimental de Bogotá / CineAutopsia desde 2015. Gestor, logístico, coordinador de salas y curaduría del Festival de Cortometrajes y Escuelas de Cine El Espejo, 2005-2014. Consejero distrital de Artes Audiovisuales, representante de Artistas independientes, 2007-2009. Formador de docentes en fotografía y video 360° en Innovadores Pedagógicos de la Secretaría de Educación de Bogotá. Gestor cultural y docente de Sua Club de Artes desde 2021 en Socorro, Santander.