The world's leading short film program immerses us in a stimulating variety of visions and styles from different countries around the world. This selection of 12 works addresses everything from the interaction between humanity and technology to reflections on memory and nature, offering deeply renewing perspectives on reality. The programming invites us to reflect on topics such as environmental fragility, complex power dynamics and the intensity of human emotions, showing a mosaic of narratives and experimental techniques that turn the ordinary into exceptional.

Each short film stands out for its audacity in expanding the boundaries of the audiovisual medium, using techniques such as manual animation, digital synthesis and chemical manipulation of celluloid to produce powerful and captivating images. These works not only advance towards new frontiers in audiovisual language, but also incite deep meditations on our existence and the future of cinema. By interweaving elements of fantasy, documentary and experimental narrative, this program ensures a rich and varied experience, inviting viewers to embark on a sensory and reflective journey. This set of films not only celebrates creativity and innovation in contemporary cinema, but also emphasizes the importance of experimental cinema as a vibrant global/situated phenomenon.

a shifting pattern

Dir: Isaac Sherman

2023. USA. 06:00 Min

As Inesquecíveis

As Inesquecíveis

Dir: Rafaelly Godoy

2023. Brazil. 07:00 Min

*This movie is not available on our online platform.

Milk of Dreams

Dir: Sarah Grohnert

2023. New Zealand. 16:15 Min


Mémoire entropique

Dir: Nicolas Brault

2024. Canada. 06:28 Min

*This movie is not available on our online platform


Dir: Tero Peltoniemi

2023. Finland. 15:00 Min


Dir: MJ Golzari

2023. Islamic Republic of Iran. 04:01 Min

In Their Arms We Hold The Sky

Dir: David Stout

2023. USA. 16:36 Min

Moth Print

Dir: Sarah Bliss

2023. Iran, United States 03:35 Min

Lick Fire

Dir: Jeff Zorrilla

2023. Argentina 06:25 Min


Dir: Ruth Hayes

2023. USA 04:07 Min

Chronotope Earth 1985 to Future

Dir: Georg Koszulinski

2024. USA. 10:00 Min

Vanishing point

Hannu Nieminen

2024. Finland. 03:36 Min

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