This selection reveals two main edges, on the one hand, the dialogue with memory and the personal and family archive in an investigation of the constructed subjectivity, made into a story and a sensitive mark through the audiovisual. The works refer to the life experience inscribed in the archive and resignified in its creative treatment, which gives rise to processes of audiovisual resignification of the self in relation to the world.
On the other hand, we find an audiovisual approach as a reflexive vehicle against time, society and individuals. Contextually situated works that question and cast a critical gaze on the past and the pretensions of the represented world. Montage that updates the sequence shots of the orthodox story of the determined, making them sensitive to being transformed, as much as the realities with which they dialogue.
Raúl Vidales
Life is One-Shot
Hassan Mokhtari
When I was kid, I had a terrible problem with stuttering and now I wanted to make a film and act in it, no one helped me. But I am making a film that I will direct in front of the camera and act behind the scenes! This is my daily life. Are you ready to hear?
Iran, Islamic Republic of | 13min. 30s.
Claudia G. Covarrubias
The images that were kept in the darkness of a hard disk, are now reborn to meet again, they have changed, and so has the director.
Mexico | 4min.
Agua y más agua
Water and more water
Francesca Svampa
A dreamlike portrait of Barcelona, shot in double exposure on reversible 8mm film, is interwoven with an intimate “I remember” voice, creating a collage of memories à la Brainard and Pérec.The director’s personal micro-memories, as a woman, filmmaker and immigrant, evoque the spirit of a time that may never return, constructing a communal heritage.
The act of making this film, involving the haphazardous double exposure and the fragility of the physical film itself, becomes a metaphor for the perpetual tension between memory and oblivion.