A bag of meat, bones, fat, hair and cartilage can be a spiritual temple or an emotional refuge. However, in contemporary times, the bodies themselves have ceased to mean something specific. His figures have lost their contours. Binary social constructions —which tie behaviors and affections to genitality— are no longer enough. The hidden beings that inhabit us are hungry for movement; thirsty for new possible relationships, eager for other traces and, consequently, they transgress, confront and deform the representations of the human.
After the irrefutable mark of death, the body becomes urgent matter, unfinished, overflowing plasticity; an interface that allows the (re)connection with the cosmos. Try to make sense of the physical experience, leave a vibrant trail; becoming-with multiple faces, hands, legs, wings, tentacles, mouths and brains made invisible, both in history and in the image.
Burn the limits, devour the anthropocentric categories, swallow and give way to an arcade that entails new forms; frantic elongations. Convulsions, pains, struggles, pleasure and hallucination. While, at the height of pregnancy, the flesh opens, duplicates, contracts, unfolds and takes on new manifestations of life, the furious sea during a storm engulfs everything. Infinite display of wandering and movement, cyclic latency, word exchange, physical contact between beings, dissonant stories: conjure up other ways of inhabiting matter.
The works that make up this selection —through diverse tools and points of view— tackle problems related to corporeity and its meeting places with the deconstruction of gender as a determining, rigid and ruinous category in westernized societies.
Adriana H. Bocanegra and Alejandro Vargas
Program #1

Exits And Entries
Salidas y entradas
Alexandra Gelis
Entries are Exit points to more complex Entries. Exits and Entries is a visual exploration, an assemblage of forces. The doing and undoing’s of my mother: a warrior.The film is part of a larger project “Doing and Undoing: Poems from Within”, a series of art interventions created during my mother’s cancer healing process.
Canada | 10min. 30s.

Nosotr_s seremos
Tiagx Vélez
From my experience as a body in transit, I have inevitably walked towards the abandonment of the species. Because experiments with gender identity and anatomical sex dislocate recognizable with an identifiable genre. The places of production of the human have been framed from border with the animal, legitimizing innumerable exclusions, but on the other hand detonating the possibilities of invention and reconfiguration of the borders in relation to other life forms. Thus, I believe that today alliances are urgent between different militancy so that other winds blow in the world. “We will be”, speculate the embryonic state of a new species, where its desire for the dilute of the borders between identity, gender and animality; It springs in the middle of a original broth.
Colombia | 16min. 51s.

Tercer Mundo
Third World
Juliana Hernández Rocha
A monster is chasing me. A type of cancer that opposes my wishes and multiplies my difficulties. I escape. There is no way out from the disease that expands, rots organs and clouds thoughts.“Third world” is wanting to open my stomach to look for it, pierce it, extract it and, through it, form a different body. A new species, creature of social reality and fiction, hybrid. The desperate search for wanting to continue existing.
Colombia | 7min.

Sasha Marie Speer
Shot entirely underwater, Unborn is a poetic journey about becoming a mother. About grief and loss. Hope and wonder. What if a woman cannot conceive? What if she loses a pregnancy? Can she still fulfill her dream?This film immerses the audience in those emotions through an original score and stunning visuals. We are brought into the heart and soul of the protagonist as she navigates the worlds of her reality and dreams.
United States | 5min.

Las Picapedreras
The Stonebreakers
Azul Aizenberg
A history book, a film saved from the flames of a dictatorship, an exiled filmmaker and an archive full of films downloaded from the internet. With these materials, a young filmmaker intends to rebuild an image of the women who made the longest strike in Argentina.
Argentina | 16min.

I am Hydra
Thale Blix Fastvold
“I am Hydra” is a hydrofeminist spell to end the petrocapitalist age. The film is shot in Norway and Denmark, its opening scene is from Skagen where two oceans meet (the Northern Sea and the Baltic Sea), and the film juxtaposes footage from the Norwegian oil industry with the forever self-regenerating Hydra species while referencing the mythological multi-headed Hydra-creature. The soundscape is by cello musician Einar Halle in collaboration with Gunnar Halle.
Norway, 9min.