Since its inception, humanity has had a close relationship with its spirituality and everything that transcends this physical plane and it could be said that these searches humanize us. Of course, these questions are a vital theme of contemporary audiovisual art for both its creators and its recipients.
The following audiovisual works investigate various metaphysical themes and questions and address the conscious and unconscious spiritual searches of their artists with their particular complexities. In these images and sounds you will find contemporary ontological clues that problematize from everyday aspects to the afterlife, the human essence and the relationship with its imaginary and its dreams, you will be able to glimpse mythologies and phantasmagorias, and reflect on the transcendence of the word and the ritualization of common shares to make them extra-ordinary.
Óscar Pico

Summer Light for Tula
Silvia Alison Turchin
“Summer Light for Tula” is a garden symphony of sorts, a tribute to the light and beauty, and an effort to reconcile with death.
United States | 9min. 24s.

A Thousand Years Ago
Edgar Jorge Baralt
In an imaginary look back at the present from the year 2049, an exile returns to Los Angeles decades after being displaced by large scale social and environmental collapse. Once back, he recreates his past (our present), and imagines the lives of those who inhabited his apartment during his absence. His sense of displacement leads to a meditation on place, memory, and dreams.
United States | 19min. 49s.

Hoy Lloverá
It will rain today
Mariana Correa González
The short film refers to a non-classical narrative. An audiovisual poem that presents a nocturnal journey through the subjectivity of Samira, a young woman with suicidal thoughts, through small events and situations based on her interactions with her present, past and future and that expresses a blurred reality in multiple random strokes.
Colombia | 6min. 44s.

Look Down and Find It
Lori Felker, Julian Day
Memories, introductions, friendships, biographies, all told through twin psychogeographical explorations, map-less searches that uncover the two artists’ experiences of their city habitats.
Australia | 13min. 7s.

The Dark Forest
Martin Del Carpio
A transcendental fable.“To honor the memory of his father who passed away in 2019, Martin Del Carpio opts for the medium of film once again, and delivers his most lyrical work to date. At once deeply personal, carefully veiled in a delicate fabric of pure emotions, and absolutely immersive in its dreamlike, mysterious beauty, ‘The Dark Forest’ transmutes its author’s innermost life into an admirable piece of introspective cinema. Opening with Dante Alighieri’s quote which inspired the title, it takes the viewer on a short, yet transcendent journey through the bushes of symbols and trees of thoughts, in the company of a lovely (and cunning?) forest spirit embodied by Carly Erin O’Neil whose poise and grace translate as otherworldly. The enchanting imagery that we see on our way is the result of another tight-knit collaboration between writer / director Del Carpio and DoP / editor William Murray, whereby the dense atmosphere of meditative seclusion is complemented by Dan Shaked’s ruminative voice-over and M. Nomized’s haunting score which occasionally gives off some strong ‘classic Hollywood’ vibes…” – Reviewed by Nikola Gocic.
United States | 9min. 23s.

Song of Summer
Tu Wang
In the deep mountain of the mystical, subtropical Guizhou Province, a 10-year-old boy was attracted by an unutterable crunching, he went into an ancient village filled with fog. Bloody rice field, colored ladder, the boy seemed to touch his previous incarnation in a deep trance, yet nightmare also go along with it.
China | 13min. 28s.

Datura’s Aubade
Jean-Jacques Martinod, Bretta C. Walker
A farmer discovers a fallen meteorite in the high Chihuahua Desert. The Alien Earth and the Earth Alien commingle under the spell of a deadly nightshade.
United States | 17min.